Unity Bar
- Tel: 0312013470
- Email: info@unitybar.co.za
- Address: 117 Vause Rd, 8 Silver Vause Cntr, Musgrave, Kwazulu-Natal
They ensure that every meal is cooked to perfection and beautifully presented to you. They have a range of set menus that are carefully put together to meet everyone needs. Their set menus consist of starters, main course and sleeted desert, ranging from R145 to R305 per person. Unity Brasseries and bar is famous for their wide variety of cocktails and a few of local beers. This is a great place for drinks with a group of friends! It is mostly loved by the lively young crowd. Unity Brasseries and bar is fam Bar is lead by Sean, who is passionate about serving good quality local brand liquors, and many of our house brands are all from provincial and national South African producers and distilleries. With some really good local brandy, gin, vodka, tequila, and grappa. Also in line with keeping flavours local, Durban curries are featured in a big way on our menu, served with rice/roti or as bunnies, as a dish true to any Durbanites heart and we take great pride in mixing our own spices to create a unique flav
restaurants, bar, burgers, entertainment, foods, meals, restaurant, platters, tapas, menus, desserts, ice cream, cold beverages, hot beverages, alcohol beverages
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